Create Physical Energy – The Success Choice Planner {Focus} Training

Your physical energy plays a critical role in your life.  Today we are going to look at ways to increase and better use your physical energy.

I’m Pamela Henrie, owner of the Success Choice, and creator of The Success Choice Planner and Choosing Joy in the Journey Journals.

Today we are going to talk about this month’s focus found in The Success Choice Planner.

Create Physical Energy:

Your physical energy directly affects your happiness and what you accomplish.  Your body is always preparing to repeat whatever you are currently doing.  So, to have adequate energy tomorrow, wisely use energy today.  For example:

Several years ago when my mom was 83 and my dad was 87 they decided to replace the terracing in their backyard.  My husband and I offered to help them.  It was a long hard week of carrying heavy terracing block, tamping down the ground, etc.  When we would show up at 8 in the morning, my parents were already working.  We would work all day, and in the evening when we would leave, my mom would still be out there sweeping up.  After several days of this I was exhausted.  I turned to my 83-year-old mom and said, “do you want to have a rest?”  She turned back to me, flexed her arm and said, “No, I’ve been lifting weights and it’s paying off.”  Even into her 90’s you’d find my mom out working in her yard every day.  One day I said, “mom, why don’t you hire one of the neighbor kids to come help you weed?”  She said, “I can do it.  You know, you can only do tomorrow what you do today.”

Whenever I feel like skipping my workout, or taking the easy way out of something, I think of my mom’s words, "You can only do tomorrow what you do today."

Here are a few examples of things that can help you increase your physical energy.

  • Use your daily “health tracker” to help make sure you are drinking enough water, eating enough fruits and vegetables, and exercising regularly.

It can be difficult to remember to do the basics like staying properly hydrated, eating enough fruits and vegetables, and getting regular exercise.

It’s easy to get busy and caught up in the day-to-day, and before you know it, the day is over, and you have neglected these important things.

Having this simple checkbox reminder can make all the difference.

  • Consult your doctor as needed.
  • Eat regular, healthy meals and snacks.

Plan ahead to have healthy snacks readily available and easy to access when you need a pick-me-up.

  • Minimize simple sugars/carbs.

Sugary treats and other simple carbs are tempting, especially when wanting quick energy, but they are usually followed by a crash in energy and feelings of regret.

  • To gain energy, push yourself.

Don’t be reckless, but challenge yourself.  As with anything, you grow with resistance.  Challenge is the catalyst for growth and improvement.

Remember renewal.  For example:

  • Get consistent, adequate sleep

There are countless studies on the importance of sleep. In particular good sleep helps with memory and performance throughout the day, it contributes to a better mood, and helps you better fight off sicknesses.

  • Take short breaks every 1-2 hours.

In the Best-selling book The Power of Full Engagement, the authors advise, “To sustain full engagement, we must take a recovery break every 90-120 minutes.”

  • Listen to your body. Take short power naps if needed.

Winston Churchill stated:

“…Don’t think you will be doing less work because you sleep during the day.  That’s a foolish notion held by people who have no imagination.  You will accomplish more.  You get tow days in one – well, at least one and a half, I’m sure.”

What habit or activity would you like to incorporate into your day to help you Create Physical energy? Perhaps it is better using your Health tracker to stay properly hydrated and get adequate nutrition and exercise.  Perhaps it’s cutting down on simple sugars and carbs, or increasing your sleep at night or adding short naps to your day.

I would like to challenge you to add a positive health habit to your daily routine starting now.

Again, this is Pamela Henrie inviting you to live your life on purpose, with purpose, choosing joy in your journey today.

Posted in Focus Training, Health.