Late Spring Perennial Garden
I love perennial gardens. After a long cold winter, it’s like magic watching seemingly dead plants sprout new growth and within weeks become full, healthy plants.
Perennial flowers come back year after year, as opposed to annual flowers that only bloom for one year. However, a challenge with perennials is that they don’t bloom for long. So if a plant is only going to bloom for a few weeks, how can you create a perennial garden that looks beautiful all year?
When we put in our circular driveway, I decided to make a perennial garden in the semi-circle created in front of the driveway. I wanted something to be blooming all of the time — from early spring to late fall. I went to a local nursery several times throughout the year to buy plants I liked. That was the key to choosing the right plants. Your local nursery or home improvement store stock perennials that work well in your climate, and every few weeks, they put out new plants that are currently in bloom. This was a super easy way to choose plants for our climate that would bloom at various times throughout the year. When the plants aren’t blooming, they fill in the space with beautiful greenery.

Plant Tag – Indicates this plant likes a Full Sun location and that it blooms in Summer and Fall.
Here are a few things to consider for your perennial garden:
- Choose perennials that will thrive in the location of your garden. The tag with the plant should say if it likes full sun, partial sun, or shade.
- Choose plants for each season.
- Check how tall the plant will grow. Put shorter plants in front of taller plants.
- If you want your garden to have a particular color scheme, choose perennials that fit within that scheme.
- Sprinkle some annual flowers throughout your perennial garden in your color scheme for some consistent color that lasts.
- If you cut back your perennials after they are done blooming, many will bloom again.
There you have it – a simple way to create a perennial garden that will look beautiful all year.

Summer Flowers – Full Sun Location

Shade Location Early Summer